February 23, 2017

Some Background

Background for you to know about me:


I am a New York Transplant. Although I never dreamed of being a city-girl and moving to NYC, I am here. Well I was here, but now I am moving back to Pittsburgh.  

I went to Penn State for Business Marketing and am  pursing just that.

I started out as a recruiter at a large corporation before moving to New York to launch a career in startups. My first roles in NY were in sales  before pursuing my true passion: marketing and copywriting. 

I am extremely uncomfortable with finding self-inflating adjectives to describe myself but if there are three that I will own up to they are as follows:

Curious – I love to learn new things whether that be the latest technology or the live span of a sugar glider. 

Creative – I love marketing because I love creating content, writing new and exciting pieces and using my brain in new ways. I actually created this domain, the content and every page that you’re clicking through by myself!

Intuitive – I am a people person and have a minor in psychology. I love to read people and learn how they think.

Lastly know that I consider myself to be (occasionally) quick-witted, thus the name of this site.